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Thinking About Pesach

Do you have a spare seat (or two) at your first night Seder table?  

Participing in a first night Seder is an obligation for all Jews. If you are able to perform the mitzvah of hosting a guest who does not have a first night Seder to attend, or if you do not have a Seder to attend, please contact Howard in the office and he will make arrangements.


Tuesday, 11 April, 6:00 pm.
Begin counting the Omer this evening.

Cost: $35 pp if paid by COB, Monday, 3 April.

Cost (after 3 April): $40 pp
Payment Details:

Cheque: Payable to "Temple Shalom Ladies Guild"

Bank Transfer - Temple Shalom Ladies Guild

A/C No. 082 751 625 BSB 484 799



Sunday, 16 April, 6:30 pm


7th DAY PESACH SHACHARIT SERVICE - with  YIZKOR: Monday, 17 April, 10:00 am 

A reminder that Pesach is not all that far away.
We need to begin planning now.
A few Pesach events are listed below.
Especially note dates and RSVP for 2nd Night Seder. 


EREV PESACH DAY 1:                   

Monday evening, 10 April.           
Seder in Private homes.               

Candles 5:16 pm      















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