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The Book Shelf  


Temple Shalom has  a number of books for sale displayed below. These are available for purchase from the Temple office, either in person, or over the phone.

Mishkan Tefilah

Mishkan T'Shuvah



      A variety of specially made, hand

      crocheted kippot are available.


      Large:     $17:00 each

      Small:     $14.00 each 


World Union Edition for the Southern Hemisphere.

Price: $80  plus $20 postage

A Family Haggadah 

Union for Progressive Judaism edition

Price: $25 plus $15 postage


Boxed sets of Haggadot

Set contains Six Haggadot, Pesach Songs CD and Pesach Cook Book.

Price: $160 plus $15 postage


The Melting Pot

Temple Shalom's recipe book "Melting Pot" is a collection of recipes from our congregation.

Makes an ideal gift. 88 pages

Price:  $ 20.00 plus $15 postage

Two volumes, one for Rosh Hashna and one for Yom Kippur

Price: $70  per set plus $20 postage

Just The Way It Was

by Sue Goldzweig

Price:  $ 20.00 plus $15 postage

The true story of a nine-year-old orphaned Jewish girl's escape, alone, from Nazi Vienna. Sue Goldzweig, a member of Temple Shalom, tells the story of her survival.


Her book is of interest to everyone and especially suitable as a Bat / Bar mitzvah gift. 

48 pages.

I Was Young And Wanted To Live

True story by David Huban.

Autobiography of a teenage Jewish boy, who survived the Nazi reign of terror through his utter determination to fulfil the promise that he had made to his parents – the promise that he would return to them.

461 pages.


Price: $40 plus $15 postage           

A Judaism For The Twenty-First Century

Author: Rabbi Wayne Dosick


This is one of the two texts used

in our 'Introduction to Judaism' 



Price: $35.00 plus $15 postage


Living Judaism

Author: Rabbi Pete Tobias


This is one of the two texts used in our 'Introduction to Judaism' course.



Price: $35.00 plus $15 postage

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