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Bar / Bat Mitzvah Program


Bar or bat mitzvah preparation at Temple Shalom begins at least two years ahead of your child’s 13th birthday. This enables us to plan our program to ensure your child is  thoroughly prepared to a high standard.

Please note that for administrative purposes, a definite booking must be made at least 18 months ahead, to ensure that the bar / bat mitzvah occurs on your preferred date. We normally allocate the first available date after both the Hebrew (which we will calculate for you) and English dates of your child's thirteenth birthday.

A bar / bat mitzvah service is only available for families who are financial members. Provisional bookings from non-members will be taken and confirmed on payment of membership fees.


Your child is expected to have had at least two years of Jewish education in a Jewish Day School or in our cheder prior to bar / bat mitzvah.

The parents and child are required to sign an agreement  to undertake the full educational / religious / social program in the lead-up to the Bar / Bat mitzvah. This entails:


Jewish practice in the home.


Regular attendance at Temple services.


Full attendance at the special pre-bar / bat mitzvah class starting one year before the event.

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