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The Guild

Though the Guild originated as a 'Ladies' organisation it has evolved to the extent that every member of Temple Shalom is now, automatically, a member of the Guild. The Guild organises much of the fundraising for the Temple and we are always on the lookout for new ideas to extend the social life of our community and to raise a few dollars at the same time. The Guild caters for regular functions such as 'The Bagel Brunch,' 'Afternoon Tea,' 'Seder Night,' 'Break The Fast Dinner,' 'Simchat Torah

Honours Luncheon,' 'Trivia Night,' and many more.  If you have a special Celebration Kiddush, the the Guild is always ready to cater. We are so lucky to have so many great cooks helping us, so the food is always delicious.


The Guild is a group of wonderful people who volunteer their time, to provide  great food and raise money for the Temple, but we can always do with more help in organising, setting up and catering for functions. If you have an idea for a fund raising event, please contact Jo. If you want to bake a cake or provide something nice for Shabbat or any of our functions we are always grateful for the help or  if you just want to get involved, we'd love for you to join us.

Jo, our Guild President, can be contacted via the Office. 

Tel: 07-5570 1716

After Hours:  0419 308 600

Bank Transfers.

To make a payment to the Guild using a bank transfer please use the following details:

Name of Acc.  Temple Shalom Ladies                             Guild

Acc. No.            082 751 625

BSB                   484-799

Please add surname and short payment description.


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