Temple Shalom
Gold Coast

Donations and Bequests
Temple Shalom depends upon the financial support of members and friends. Any donation or bequest is always greatly appreciated. Donations can be made in person either at the office or by contacting the President. Donations can also be made online.
See ‘Online donations’ below.
A Special Gift
When celebrating a special events such an anniversary or a birthday, some may wish for adonation to be given to Temple Shalom in lieu of receiving a gift. Or maybe you just want to make a donation in someone's name.
We have special greeting cards available which can be sent to the recipient by the donor informing them of the gift that has been given in their honour. Please contact the office for further details.
Tree of Life:
Mark significant events in your family’s life with an engraving on the Tree of Life in the Temple Shalom foyer.
Engraved Maple Leave: $250
Engraved small plaque: $100

Online Donations:
Temple Shalom Westpac Southport BSB 034 215 Account 33 4329
Please email Temple Shalom ts_gcenquiries@hotmail.com to advise that a donation has been made. Please provide an address so a receipt can be mailed.
Form of bequest when making a will
I give and bequeath to the Temple Shalom Liberal Congregation of the Gold Coast, Queensland Incorporated, the sum of $ …………................ (in words........................................................ AUD dollars) free from all duties, to be applied to the general purposes of the congregation and I declare that a receipt therefore, signed by the President or Treasurer for the time being of the said congregation, shall be full and sufficient discharge for this bequest.